Updated 2023-11-08 16:54:13

Lake Michigan -> 1.0 Salmonine (Salmon and Trout) -> Lake Trout Fall Age Class

Reporting Interval

2016 - 2021


Northern Refuge

Meeting Target?

Does Not Meet

Indicator Trend

Upward trend



1.2.5 Ten or more age-classes of age-7 or older spawning lake trout observed during fall surveys in the Northern Refuge

Developing an abundant spawner population is an interim goal of the lake trout restoration plan (Bronte et al. 2008). At reefs assessed in northern Lake Michigan, the number of lake trout age-classes older than age-7 has remained below the target level of 10 (Figure 1), but an increasing trend has been occurring since 2014.

Figure 1. Number of lake trout age-classes older than age 7 represented in the catch from fall spawner surveys in the Northern Refuge of Lake Michigan.


Large graded-mesh fall gillnet survey. To attain this metric, the benchmark level of 10 age-classes older than age 7 must be matched or exceeded.

Other Resources

Contributing Author(s)

  • Lake Michigan Technical Committee - Lake Trout Working Group