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Enabling genetic monitoring of upstream steelhead movement through FishPass

The mission of FishPass is to provide up- and down-stream passage of desirable fishes while simultaneously blocking and/or removing undesirable fishes, including non-native migratory rainbow trout (steelhead). However, a small number of rainbow trout have been observed in the Boardman River above Union Street Dam. A recently developed steelhead genotyping panel provides a promising tool for efficient and accurate monitoring of unintentional steelhead passage via FishPass. This project is developing genetic baselines for Great Lakes stocked steelhead strains and resident Boardman River rainbow trout, enabling genetic monitoring for unintended upstream passage of steelhead using a variety of strategies. For instance, rainbow trout captured in regular upstream monitoring could be routinely genotyped and tested for assignment to either the resident upper Boardman River population or one of the Lake Michigan steelhead strains. Even in the absence of directly sampling a passed individual, the genetic composition of the upstream population could be monitored to detect any shifts toward similarity with Lake Michigan strains. Finally, young-of-year rainbow trout could also be monitored above FishPass for evidence of hybridization between resident and migratory lineages, indicating successful reproduction of unintentionally passed steelhead. Upon the project’s conclusion, genetic baselines will be published as a short communication in an outlet such as Journal of Great Lakes research.



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PI Name
Jared Homola

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PI Institution
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point

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